Expert Mental Health Care in New Jersey

Our Providers and Psychiatrists
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About Us

Find In-Network Psychiatrists in NJ

Our experienced team is here to guide you on your path to mental well-being, offering comprehensive support for various concerns, including:

About US

Tailored attention for your
individual needs

Our Mission

To provide top-tier, affordable, mental health services in NJ. We accept all insurance plans including Aetna, BCBS, Medicaid, Medicare, UHC and more.
Our Psychiatrists
Our psychiatrists and nurse practitioners average over 15 years of experience, ensuring expert care tailored to each patient’s needs.
Our Philosophy
We believe that stimulants and benzodiazepines can be lifesavers for those dealing with ADHD and anxiety when used responsibly under expert care.
Infection Prevention
Infection control information and resources for acute care, dialysis, long-term care, and outpatient settings
Personalized Treatment
The advent of precision medicine is moving us closer to more precise and powerful health care that is for individual patient.
Medical Service
Getting medical help right away for someone who is having a medical emergency can save their life.
Looking for professionals & trusted mental health care?

don't hesitate to contact us.

Virtual Psychiatrist Consultations NJ

At Lumina Psychiatry, we understand the importance of accessible mental health care. That's why we proudly offer psychiatric services that accept various insurance plans in New Jersey. Our experienced psychiatrists are in-network with major providers, including Blue Cross Blue Shield Psychiatrist NJ and United Healthcare, ensuring that your path to mental wellness is both affordable and convenient.

Contact Us

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apply for treatments

    (201) 614-5900
